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Specialist debt recovery and collections software to dramatically increase efficiency and reduce costs vs. traditional methods and manual processes.



Automated batch letters, text messages and business rules ensure your collectors’ time is freed up to contact customers.


Tried and tested workflows will guide users through the process of collecting cash in the most efficient way possible.

360° Customer View

FI Collector aggregates multiple disparate or legacy systems in one place to achieve a single view of all a customer’s debts.

Document Management

All documents produced are automatically stored on the account. You can also attach incoming correspondence.

Analysis and Reporting

Our reporting suite will provide you with a comprehensive analysis of the performance of your collections strategy.

Email Integration

Individual or bulk HTML emails from within FI Collector with inbox scanning and support for multiple mailboxes.

Card Payments

Take individual payments or schedule recurring payments to automate promises to pay without a card terminal.

Text Messages

Send individual or batch text messages to save money and increase response rates vs. traditional contact methods.


Easy to use

Management dashboards

Red amber green status flags

Track promises to pay

Compliance contact tracking


Monitor external agents

Full audit trail

Multiple payment types

Pre-legal or legal processes

Automated communications

Multiple organizations or teams

Banking module

Remote client access

3rd party integrations

User security levels

Outsource printing support

Dialer integration

Court document suite

Billing module

Query/dispute resolution

Remittance of funds

Statement production

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